"I have been working for more than twenty years to disseminate and promote cultural events dedicated to the history of Rome,
I have traveled all over the world, hosted by both public and private institutions and, always, they welcomed me as the symbol of a history that makes us recognize abroad as heirs to a myth.
It moves me and fills me with pride.
My big dream is to share this love and these emotions with all the citizens of Rome and all those who feel they belong to these stories. I hope, indeed I am sure, that on March 15 we will be hundreds of people all together here, to remember how Rome and its characters have determined and influenced the way we live, think and even love today “.
Sergio Iacomoni, president and founder of the Gruppo Storico Romano, comments the 16th edition of the famous historical reconstruction of the murder of Julius Caesar, every year on March 15th in Largo Argentina

The set is perfectly located, just a stone's throw from the Teatro di Pompeo, still visibile under a famous restaurant in Campo dei Fiori Square where, almost two thousand years ago, Giulio Cesare was assassinated by the Republican conspirators.
If you ask any historian, student, historian or politician,
Julius Gaius Caesar is certainly listed among the most important and influential men of every time.
It was March 44,
Caesar was about to begin a meeting with the Senate unaware of a conspiracy that would kill him, organized by a number of personalities related to the Senate of Rome, including the famous Brutus (Marcus Junius Brutus ) and Cassio ( Gaius Cassius Longinus).
The great Caesar was assassinated with several stabs while he was in the Theater of Pompey.
He was killed because over the years he had become more and more powerful, concentrating on himself several charges and threatening the authority and power of the Senate.
His death became one of the most famous episodes of Ancient Roman time.

For some, it became the symbol of the murder of a tyrant, to save the institutions of the republic, for others Brutus and Cassius became the symbol of betrayal.
A part the difference of interpretations,
the date of the Ides of March has remained as a symbol of a tragic date and expectation linked to power, given the legend, already told by ancient historians and taken by William Shakespeare that the death of Caesar had been foretold by a fortune teller on the Ides of March.
This event welcomes thousands of fans who, thanks to the support of all the members of the Gruppo Storico Romano,
take their places to attend a real theatrical staging based on historical documents written by historians who have dedicated their studies to the tragic story of the death of Julius Caesar.
Don't miss this event here.

Join my private guided tour, if you like to know more about the Republican time and how the first emperor Gaio Giulio Cesare Ottaviano Augusto learned the lesson from his adoptive father and drove the Roman Empire into one of the most powerful empires of ever.